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Selectmen's Minutes 2007/11/19

November 19, 2007

PRESENT:  Selectmen Emma M. Smith, Stephen W. White, William Roach, and Richard Leone.  Town Manager Donna Nashawaty.

ABSENT:  Selectman Frederick Gallup.

OTHERS:  Thomas Richards, Anne Nilsen, Tony Bergeron, Ron Verblauw, Dan Banks, Hellen Charpentier, Thomas Saunders, Gary Szalucka, Holly Leonard, Charlie Smith, Lisa Bozogan, Sue Gottling, Peter Urbach, Rhonda Gurney, John Waldon, Faith Reney, Peter White, Mary Epremium, John Mapley, Lisa Meehan, Barbara Chalmers, Paul Pratt, Scott Blewitt, and Betsy Katz.


William Roach stated that he noticed the Gardeners out decorating for Christmas and wished to thank them for their excellent and beautiful service to the community. Tony Bergeron added that the Information Booth looked very sharp.  Stephen White agreed stating that the community looks great and all those involved are doing a wonderful job.  It was also noted that on December 1st the community is hosting a Magical Christmas in the harbor.  Many activities will be going on that day.

Donna Nashawaty raised the question of what the Selectmen wished to see on the cover of the 2007 Town Report and the dedication as well.  This will be placed on an agenda at a future meeting.


Perkins Pond – Gary Szalucka

Gary Szalucka, President of the Perkins Pond Association, was present to speak with the Board regarding the often spoken of Perkins Pond sewer project.  The Association has a time line set up for progressing with the project and is awaiting a final report.  This should be received within one month.  G. Szalucka reported that they re still waiting for a report of the condition of the water.  The Association will provide the Board with a copy of the report as soon as it is received.  G. Szalucka wished to let the Board know that the sewer project has not died and the association is still working very hard at it.  Stephen White stated his support of the project.  He believes the cost would be minimal and suggested that the Board of Selectmen meet with the Water and Sewer Commissioners.  William Roach stated he was glad to see the project move forward adding that something has to be done to save Perkins Pond.  If the pond isn’t preserved, he believes that the property values around the pond will decrease.  Donna Nashawaty reminded everyone that petitioned warrant articles are due January 8th.  Richard Leone stated that he believes something should have been done long ago and thanked the Association for their involvement.  Holly Leonard will keep the Board up to date on what is occurring.  A gentleman from DES was to attend tonight’s meeting but did not show.  Discussion was held on whether or not the article would be petitioned or placed on the warrant by the Selectmen.  Emma Smith asked if it could be placed by petition but have added that the Selectmen support the article.

Donald Clark – Fish & Game Department

Donna Nashawaty stated that Mr. Clark did say he was coming, but did not show up.

Alternative Waste Facilities Committee

Ronald Verblauw, Dan Banks and Tony Bergeron were present to report to the Selectmen.  R. Verblauw explained to the Board what the committee has done to date.  They have been meeting on a monthly basis and have gone to quite a few outside discussion sessions.  R. Verblauw stated that the committee is investigating a pay as you throw system.  They have been studying what the town is paying on and paying out.  The committee is working on printing a brochure for residents to explain some new recycling information.  They will be asking for a $1,000 in a warrant article to have these printed.  Dan Banks reported that it was discovered that the Town of Springfield is paying one fifth of Sunapee’s cost at the transfer station but are using one quarter of the services.  He believes that they should be asked to pay more of their share.  The committee presented the Board with a power point presentation to explain what  research they have completed.  A copy is attached to the file copy of these minutes.    Dan Banks stated that although Sunapee recycles more than surrounding communities, it is still costing about $2.50 per bag to dispose of rubbish.  The committee recommends that the Selectmen think about increasing the rates for commercial dumping (not residential).  It was agreed that an article will appear in the warrant to have the brochure printed.  Emma Smith thanked the committee for their report and their efforts to assist the Board and town.

Library Trustees & Library Building Committee

Peter Urbach, John Mapley, John Walden, Tony Bergeron and Barbara Chalmers were present to discuss the proposed site.  Peter Urbach reported that the trustees and building committee have agreed upon the site of the Lake Sunapee Protection Association property on Main Street.  A statement from the trustees and building committee was read and is attached to the file copy of these minutes.  P. Urbach and R. Gurney explained that they are looking to the Board of Selectmen for assistance.  They need the Board to negotiate with Sunapee Harbor Riverway for the purchase of the lot.  Barbara Chalmers explained that the property consists of 1.5 acres.  New property lines would be created to designate the Riverway property.  The Library Building Committee is planning on attending the next meeting of the Planning Board for discussion of Site Plan Review.  The purchase of this property will allow for expended use of Than Hall in the future.  The Library Trustees are looking at construction of the new library to begin in 2010.  The proposal allows for  9,000 sq. ft. of building use.  The represent library contains 3,100 sq. ft.  Discussion was held on what the use of the present library would be.  Donna Nashawaty explained the proper order of the purchase of the property from the trustees by the town.  William Roach expressed concern about drawing business to the harbor.  Peter White stated that he felt the location of the library at the harbor would do that.  Discussion was held on the use of the old library.  P. White suggested that it be leased.  It was agreed that the Selectmen need to meet with Sunapee Harbor Riverway to begin negotiations on the purchase of the property.  Donna Nashawaty will work up the article for the purchase of the site and arrange for a meeting with Sunapee Harbor Riverway on Saturday, December 8th.  Peter White reported that there is $70,000 in the library building trust now and there will be $82,800 at the end of the year.

Recreation Department Looney Lunge

Scott Blewitt, Recreation Director, requested the Selectmen’s permission to relax the existing ordinance that does now allow swimming in the harbor.  His department is planning on putting on a “looney lunge” December 1st as part of the celebration for the Magical Christmas Day at the harbor.  Richard Leone questioned liability.  S. Blewitt stated that parents will be asked to sign a liability waiver form before anyone under the age of 18 can dive.  All divers will be asked to sign liability waivers.  The dive will take place at noon.  Donna Nashawaty stated that the Selectmen could require that no one be beyond 100 feet from the shore.  This was agreed upon.  Motion was made and seconded (White/Roach) to allow the waiver and that no one be beyond 100 feet of the shore for this one time dive.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

Scott Blewitt reported that he had 225 to 250 participants in the turkey trot.  The money made will go towards improvements to the ballfields.  Awards will be given for the best costume.  S. Blewitt was complemented on the new brochure mailed by his department.  

Scott Blewitt asked the Board’s authority to design a parking lot on Ski Tow hill.  He would like to provide access there to promote recreation at the site.  The lot contains 10.2 acres and grants may be available to put in some improvements for hiking trails, etc.  The Board asked S. Blewitt to put together some plans and drawings and come back to see them again.


November 5, 2007:  Motion was made and seconded (White/Roach) to approve the minutes as submitted.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.


UVLSRPC – Memorandum of Understanding – Hazards Mitigation Plan

Emma Smith stated that she did not see any problem with the Board signing the MOU.  Donna Nashawaty stated that the Town will assist with the establishment of a committee.  This is the Board’s responsibility.  Courtney Daniell of UVLSRPC, will conduct the meetings, but the Selectmen must make the appointments.  Howard Sargent was mentioned as one possible member at this time.  Donna Nashawaty recommended that this committee be discussed next year after Town Meeting.  This was agreed and Howard Sargent will be asked for recommendations for members.

Boundary Agreement/Anna Duke

Donna Nashawaty reported that she checked with Town Counsel and he approves the agreement.  Motion was made and seconded (White/Roach) to sign the agreement.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.


Discussion was held on a letter received from Fish and Game regarding the Newbury boat launch.  Don Clark of Fish and Game did not show up as promised.

The Board is in receipt of an  Intent to Cut form for Ski Tow hill to remove trees for possible parking area.  Donna Nashawaty stated that this would be discussed by the Safety Committee.


Donna Nashawaty reported that public hearing on the budget is scheduled for January 10th at 7 PM at the high school cafeteria.  The Deliberative Session is scheduled for Feb. 5th at 7 PM in the High School gym.


William Roach reported that he attending the county meeting regarding the $2.2 million deficit for 2006.  It appears there is another deficit for 2007 in the amount of $2 million.  The commissioners have come up with almost $1 million in cuts to the budget.  W. Roach stated that he spoke with the Commissioners and told them to get rid of the manager and hire an administrator with a strong financial background.  

Donna Nashawaty asked that the Selectmen review the warrants before the December 17th meeting.

The meeting adjourned at 10:06 PM.

Submitted by,  Darlene Morse                            Approved________________

______________________________          ______________________________
Emma M. Smith, Chairman                         Stephen W. White, Vice Chairman

______________________________          ______________________________
William Roach                                   Richard Leone

Frederick Gallup